What should marketing experts know about generation Z?

Blog - Belgrade, 20 May 2019

They have grown up with digital technology? They are not leaving their phones? They are only buying from brands they share values with?

You’re right – we’re talking about generation Z.

This generation includes those born between the mid-90s and mid-00s.

Members of this generation don’t choose and buy products in the blink of an eye. They want to know everything about the thing they are buying.

Do you want successful communication with generation Z? Optimize your web site for mobile devices! It’s not enough to list product benefits, you need to emphasize the core values your brand stands by.

Every product is a part of the mission a brand has, and product placement needs to fit that mission. Members of generation Z buy for themselves or they influence their parents to buy. For that reason, companies have no other option except to adjust to their needs.

Keywords a brand should rely on in order to approach generation Z are individuality and authenticity. A brand can highlight its authenticity through closer communication with the target audience. This is way easier with social networks. If you play it smartly there, you can increase sales and improve brand image.

And finally – the experts claim that by communicating in a way familiar to generation Z you’ll improve overall interaction with all the consumers.

You can read more here.

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