FCB Chicago helps you get rid of the garbage

Blog - Belgrade, 11 March 2022

If you’ve ever wanted to get rid of the garbage with style, FCB Chicago brings you the perfect solution in its new campaign for Glad. It is a line of pink garbage bags with the cherry blossoms scent that can make your trip to the trash can extremely dramatic and visually interesting, if you pair your bag with a suitable outfit, like the one we see in the video.

The new bags are strong and durable, in addition to smelling good, so you won't have to hide them and be afraid that they will burst or let unwanted contents out. That is the basic functional benefit, but the emphasis here is on the emotional one.

At the heart of the campaign is the idea of ​​playing with "excessive" stylization, and it is unlikely that it would be so interesting and close to us in the pre-pandemic world. During the pandemic, it seems that our desire to dress up when we go out into the world strengthened because we didn't have a chance to do it so often (those who only strengthened their desire to live in pajamas also have every right to make that decision). It is not a shame to admit that some of us occasionally dressed up for sitting at home just because we had a desire to brighten our day.

According to its creators, the campaign is intended for all those people who feel like they are "extra", those who go beyond the ordinary and enjoy spicing up every moment of their lives, even if it is something as simple as taking out the trash.

It is stated that the reactions on TikTok were mostly positive, and the campaign has the potential to start a trend in which users of the platform could create videos and take out the garbage in these bags and their best clothing combinations. It is not inconceivable that something like this should happen.

As far as we are concerned, even though the product is not available to us, we can still at least play with clothes and practice our runway walk to the container. Ultimately - even if someone sees us as weirdos, it's important that we feel like the main characters in the movie about our lives. And, in addition to that, the spring is coming, so it's time to get rid of everything that unnecessarily takes up our space and brings us negative energy so that we wouldn't do it in a diva style.


Source: Little Black Book

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